One of the most well known sites in Jerusalem is the western wall. It is the wall closest to where the Temple once stood. The bottom 6 rows of big stones are from the first century. On the edges of the stones you can still see the Herodian edging.

For many it is a very special site.

There is a side for the men, and a side for the women. The side for the women is much smaller.

Theresa made a picture through the fence.

Washing hands

Allan is putting on tefillin. Based on Deut 6:8 where it says to bind God's commands "
as symbols on your hands".
Josh took this picture

Most men didn't have a prayer shawl on at this time of the day. This man has tefillin and a phylactery on his head too. This little box has scripture in it.

Lots of people write notes and leave it in the cracks of the wall.
A lot of people walked away from the wall backwards as if they didn't want to turn their back to the wall. We didn't stay very long, but that was okay.
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