Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mount Timnah

 When we got off the bus (extra water had to be taken along)
we knew we were in a different area
this looks Egyptian

 These were the last green trees we saw for a while

Getting ready for a big hike

Single file and try not to break the line
keep someone in front and in back view

Almost everyone took a picture from this rock
it looks cool

The path wasn't easy

I was walking with the first group
I do better when I'm not at the end of the line
admire people who go to the back to help 
they have to go slower then their natural walk 
and that makes it very hard for them

 Finally we were up
We heard the story of 2 sticks
Phoraoh's (punishing flail) stick
and Moses (shepherd) stick

Actually the strong people in the back helping their weaker community are demonstrating the shepherd's stick

We have a lot of Pharoah in us: Come here!, sit down!

we sang:
"It's not by might, not by power"

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