Saturday, May 26, 2012

going south

 Morning Devotions
Gos said: "Rabbi push against the stone"

Some of the connections from the devotions 
and how they fit into the day I didn't get the full impact until much later

The devotions were a blessing
I asked for a book reference and have been using it to bless others

We drove through this stark landscape
It was called a Machtesh

Marjory, my seat mate knew geology and loved it even more then I

Marjory is also a biker, so this is a picture I took with her in mind
but it made me think of a Dutch sone
"hoe sterk is de eenzame fietser"
(how strong is the lonely biker) or something like it

We saw quite a few places where there were fences 
and ostriches walking back and forth
I thought the ostriches were guarding these properties

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